Tratto dal sito ufficiale del Progetto PSEFS – Soluzioni personalizzate nel diritto di famiglia e delle successioni europeo
The Open Dissemination Meeting and Public Conference of the PSEFS Project took place the last December 14th at the Leopold Hotel, in the Brussels’ EU district.
PSEFS is an acronym that stands for “Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law”: a project co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). The Open Dissemination Meeting was the opportunity to present to the press the project, that is led by the partnership of four universities and an important cultural institution.
In the first part of the meeting, moderated by Simona de Simone, of the University of Camerino (Italy), we had the project presentation, with speaches of Lucia Ruggeri, of the University of Camerino, the partnership leader of the project; María José Cazorla González, of the University of Almeria, in Spain; Sandra Winkler and Ivana Kunda, of the University of Rijeka in Croatia; Jerca Kramberger Škerl, from the University of Ljubljana, in Slovenia; Francesco Giacomo Viterbo and Manuela Giobbi, representatives of the Foundation “Scuola di Alta Formazione Giuridica” of Camerino (Italy), headed by prof. Pietro Perlingieri.
The second part of the meeting had the participation of Michael Wilderspin, Legal Adviser at the Legal Service of the European Commission, as the chairman. In this second part we had speeches of experts from different countries and sectors. Judges and lawyers of the European Court of Justice: Marko Ilešic (Judge, Court of Justice of the EU) and Juan Ignacio Signes de Mesa (Attorney, General Court of Justice of the EU); senior officials and diplomats: Kristian Turkalj (State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia), Paolo Bruno (“Justice and Home Affairs” Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU); and Paolo Palminteri (Consul General of Italy in Rijeka); notaries and lawyers: Nataša Erjavec (notary, Slovenia), José María Gómez-Riesco Tabernero de Paz (notary, Spain), Biserka Cmrlec-Kišic (notary, Croatia), Cinzia Calabrese (lawyer, Italian
Association of Family Lawyers-AIAF) and Olga Anastasi (lawyer, Italian Union of Chambers for Minors).
The event was live streamed on Webex platform and can be rewatched on Facebook at the PSEFS Project